The development of the Vibamat
as a multivirus tester
The Vibamat served as a reliable and rapid complement to PCR and rapid tests at the height of the COVID 19 pandemic and is still in use today to quickly detect disease and contain its spread. With the further development of the Vibamat into a multi-viral test device, numerous viruses and bacteria can be detected by a simple breath test.
The production of corresponding antibody chip cards for new viruses or bacteria can be carried out within a few weeks. In addition, the development team is currently researching a cuvette solution, which also makes viruses and bacteria detectable in small blood samples. In this way, cancer cells are also to be made identifiable by the new Vibamat blood analysis in the near future.
Dr.-Ing. Udo Riss
and Michael Bubolz
Together for sustainable and efficient corona testing - that is our mission. With innovative technology Made in Germany and bundled expertise from science and technology, we achieved a breakthrough in the field of SARS-CoV-2 diagnostics about a year ago.
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Vibamat Vertriebs- und Service GmbH
Carl-Zeiss-Straße 42
28816 Stuhr